Memorandum of Association

  • POLICY :

    It is the policy of the Centre to work for and achieve all its objects and ideals by all peaceful and legitimate means and to spread its objects and ideals amongst the people of India and other nations of the World without transgressing the limits of Freedom of speech, Freedom of thought, Freedom of action, and Freedom of opinion, as conferred by the Constitutions of those nations. The Centre will be a non-religious and non-political organization.


    • To educate the people with a view to change them so that they must be altruistic in their outlook and help the needy in all possible ways.

    • To make people understand that they must unite for purposes of solving common problems such as unemployment, imparting education to all children, clearing of slums and improving sanitation and to educate the people about the necessity of Co-operative Societies for production and distribution of essential requisites of life, etc., and to tap the local philanthropic sources mainly for necessary funds and to supplement the same by approaching the Government for additional facilities and aids if necessary.

    • To establish, run and maintain educational institutions, schools, spiritual training centres, libraries, hospitals, work-houses, play grounds, gardens and other recreation centres and institutions for the benefit and well-being of the human community.

    • To organize conferences, meetings, debates, shows, competitions, etc., for promoting the aims and objects of the Centre.

    • To print and publish newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books or leaflets which the Centre may consider necessary for the propagation of its objects.

    • To prepare and exhibit films of educational, cultural, aesthetic, artistic and entertaining value.

    • To establish branch Centres and to affiliate other associations with similar aims and objects.

    • To do all other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

    • To teach philosophy of Nature and initiate practical and easy methods of attaining Self Realization to those who deserve and thereby spread altruism all over the world.